Regarding information and communication technology, the computer penetration
level is low (1.06% in 2007 compared to 5.63% in Tunisia, for instance, during the
same period).3
Some newspapers have websites.

Advertisement revenue of the media

In Algeria, all public structures are compelled to go through the government
advertising agency to place their ads in the media. And this agency does not place
these ads objectively.
Yet the advertisement market is sizeable enough to support media activities. It is
estimated at 350 million US dollars per year.

Broadcasting legislation and regulation

There is no specific broadcasting legislation apart from Act 90-07 which has
practically become obsolete.
There is no regulatory organ either.

Public broadcasting management and operation

There is no public broadcasting board of directors. It is directly under the control of
the civil service and the government is its main donor. Recruitment and operating
procedures are not conducted in an independent manner.

Availability of the public broadcaster’s transmission
The public broadcaster covers the entire country. The transition to digital should
be done in 2015.

Content is rather monolithic with a predominance of government-related topics.
During electoral periods, however, an ad hoc commission coordinates access to
the public broadcaster. This access is reserved exclusively for parties participating
in the election.
There is no community-based media.

Ethics and the media

There is a self-regulatory structure established by the media but it is not functional.
Some newspapers have therefore come up with internal arrangements.

See indicator 2.9



Select target paragraph3