I A-3

another using leased circuits, or using international circuits to connect to an IXP abroad where
domestic traffic can be exchanged.

LCA: Lesotho Communications Authority


LNBS: Lesotho National Broadcasting Service


LPO: Lesotho Post Office


LTA: Lesotho Telecommunications Authority


Mandated Wholesale Services.

Services that a regulator may require an operator with

significant market power to offer at regulated wholesale rates, such as leased line services or
the resale of broadband services.

NGN: Next Generation Networks. A network that converges three separate networks - the
PSTN voice network, the wireless network, and the data network (the Internet) - into a
common packet infrastructure. This intelligent, highly efficient infrastructure delivers a host
of new technologies, applications, and services that are more flexible, scalable and costefficient than services that have been offered in the past.


Private Broadcaster. A broadcaster owned and controlled by individuals or organizations
that operates on a non-profit basis.


Public Broadcaster. A broadcaster that has traditionally been subsidised by Government or
supported directly by viewers. In many cases, public broadcasters exercise complete editorial
freedom. Increasingly, public broadcasters are taking on a mixed commercial model, sourcing
funds through a mix of advertising and public monies.


QoS: Quality of Service


RIO: Reference Interconnection Offer. An offer that a regulator may require an operator
with significant market power to make to competing operators, which contains a standardized
set of prices, terms, and conditions on which the operator will interconnect, exchange traffic,
and provide access to facilities.


SIMP: Significant Market Power. The ability of a market participant to operate
independently of competitors and consumers. The existence of SMP is often a pre-requisite
for government imposition of ex ante regulations of rates and services, which is necessary to
protect consumers in the absence of competition.



A public place where anyone can pay to use telecommunications services.

These services include, but are not limited to, the Internet, email, fax, telephone service, and
other electronic information services.

Select target paragraph3