Sector 2:

The media landscape is characterized by diversity,
independence and sustainability.

2.1 . A wide range of sources of information (written,
audio-visual, internet) is available and accessible to
The national media is still underserved. The sources of information
are not enough. The country has some fifteen private radio-stations.
Besides the daily bulletin of the Chadian Media Agency, there are 10
newspapers (one daily private newspaper, 1 bi-weekly, 3 weekly, 2
monthly, 2 every two months, and 1 bimonthly) which are published
regularly. There are about ten other newspapers for which publication is irregular. The circulation of newspapers is very limited.
The national radio does not cover the entire country and the only
public TV station covers only some 80 km radius around the capital
city. There is no private TV station. In 4 provincial towns (Moundou,
Sarh, Abéché and Faya), the regional antenna gives access to news
by relay. This handicap is balanced by about ten community radiostations broadcasting in frequency modulation (FM). The availability
of sources of information is simply relative. Only a few people have
access to internet in the capital which is almost inaccessible in the
interior of the country. Two mobile telephone companies provide
access to internet to a certain class of people but this access remains derisory.
Individual grades:

4, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 4


2, 4

The African Media Barometer (AMB) - Chad 2007


Select target paragraph3