On the 15 of the same month, the lady Editor In Chief of
“L’Observateur” was condemned to one year imprisonment for having published an interview with one of the sentenced who described
his arrest and condemnation as “machinations of Djandjawid”.
Some illegal decisions are taken against the media. We can list the
ban by the ministry of public security and immigration in October
2003 of the “FM Liberte” radio-station for “illegal operation and
violation of the media law” while the station had received their
operating licence and broadcasting frequency from the regulating
unit of the High Media Council (HMC).
Individual grades: 5, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2
Average: 1,8

There is no law that limits / restricts any person of
practicing or becoming a journalist

There is no law limiting people from becoming journalists. According to law 29 “a professional journalist is a person who works mainly
and lawfully for a newspaper or an audio-visual enterprise and is paid
for it” (article 5). The correspondents are also easily integrated into
profession of journalists (art 5). In accordance with article 9 of law
29, a collective labour agreement was freely negotiated between
the media workers body and owners of newspapers, and was signed
in May 2007. This convention that will be applicable in January 2008
defines the criteria for the exercise of this profession.


The African Media Barometer (AMB) - Chad 2007

Select target paragraph3