“Public bodies hold information not for
themselves but as custodians of the public good and
everyone has the right to access information…”
African Charter on Human & Peoples Rights

The African Platform on Access to Information

© 2013 Media Institute of Southern Africa
MISA Regional Secretariat, 21 Johann Albrecht Street, P/B 13386, Windhoek, Namibia
www.misa.org. Tel: +26461232975, Fax+264 61 248016
No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted without
the permission of the Media Institute of Southern Africa. Permission has been granted to Friedrich
Ebert Stiftung to reprint the reports in their original unaltered published form.

Editor: Karen Mohan | Coordinator: Jennifer Ido | Researchers: MISA National Chapters | Proofreading: Alex Peard | Layout: Caroline de Meersseman
ISBN 978-99916-62-34-3

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