
What were the developments in the media
environment in the last three/four years?
Positive Developments

Mobile service coverage continues to grow, making information more
available and accessible and expanding opportunities for citizens and
journalists to express themselves.


Strong growth has been noted in the online media sector, which has
transformed the media landscape in a positive way.


Training opportunities for journalists have increased in both the public and
private sectors. More and more journalists are specialising, expanding the
range of journalism products on offer.

Negative Developments




State authorities maintain a strong hold on the media. Advertising contracts,
particularly political advertisements, include non-aggression agreements
which prevent journalists from criticising the government in their reporting.


The media landscape has become polarised rather than pluralistic. A progovernment and anti-government press have emerged, creating strong
biases in journalism productions.


The working conditions and salaries of journalists remain precarious, resulting
in bad practices, especially corruption.


Working conditions and salaries of journalists remain precarious, which result
in the violation of journalism standards, an increase in corruption and many
forms of unethical practices.


A new intelligence law threatens freedom of expression and exposes
confidential sources to third parties.

What kind of activities are needed over the next
three/four years?

Advocacy for the signing of the implementation of bills for certain laws
relating to the media which are still pending.


Advocacy for some provisions of laws that continue to repress the media and
hinder freedom of expression and of the press to be abolished through due
process and other legal remedies.


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