4.2 The media follow voluntary codes of professional
standards, which are enforced by independent/
non-statutory bodies that deal with complaints
from the public
Media associations came together to develop a Code of Ethics in 1999. This
document was revised in 2005 and remains the only framework document,
together with the Information and Communication Code, that defines the
duties, responsibilities and standards of journalism in Benin. The code is enforced
by the ODEM.
ODEM was created in 1999, at a time when the government was considering
new media laws. The idea was to bring order to the sector and to combat
unprofessional and unethical practices. The Observatory was conceived as a selfregulatory body composed of journalists and representatives of other professional
groups such as people from the legal profession.
ODEM played its role and for some time, stakeholders complied with their
decisions. It frequently received complaints from the public, including senior
army officers and university professors. The Observatory was credible, respected
and demonstrated the ability to self-regulate the media sector. In addition, it was
bold and spoke against reporters more often than for them.
Initially there were only a few journalists, making whistleblowing an effective
means of enforcing media ethics. However, the Observatory became weak, due
to the expansion of the media landscape and the arrival of young journalists who
did not grasp the original vision of the Observatory.
In addition, the Observatory is unable to ‘bite’, as technically, it can only denounce
and raise awareness. Reflections are underway to reorganise and revise the Code
of Ethics to reflect current challenges such as online journalism and social media.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:









3.1 (2007 = 5.0; 2009 = 4.3; 2011 = 3.9; 2014 = 4.2)

Select target paragraph3