According to panellists, this has created a landscape where there is no competition
because the media sector is controlled by a few conglomerates. Companies with
media outlets and advertising agencies prefer to place advertisements in their
own outlets; at the expense of a healthy media market.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:





4.2 (2007 = 4.3; 2009 = 1.9; 2011 = 2.8; 2014 = 3.1)

2.6 Government promotes a diverse media landscape
with economically sustainable and independent
media outlets
State support for private media is established by law. It is open to all legally registered
media outlets in the Republic of Benin. The Information and Communication
Code, promulgated in March 2015, created the Media Development Fund,
which is jointly managed by a government representative, a representative of the
HAAC and three representatives of professional associations. This fund, which
will replace traditional aid, has not yet been implemented.
For the last disbursements, state aid to private media amounted to
350 million FCFA (600,000 USD). The panel stated that in May 2018, the state
paid half of the aid for the year 2018. Therefore, in total, the state is yet to make
the payments for 2015, 2016, 2017 and part of 2018.
In addition, ‘the state grants favourable treatment to private newspaper
companies through a special tax regime. It may be a tax break, a reduction or
an exemption on taxes, fees or royalties’ in accordance with Article 40 of the
Information and Communication Code.
Panellists described a different reality on the ground. The government has not
disbursed state aid to the private press in the last four years and tax exemptions
provided for in the law are yet to be applied. Some members of the panel
speculated that the government seems more inclined to financially suffocate the
press in order to better control it.
From a distance, one could say that the public media are the exception. However,
those with first-hand knowledge say they are underfunded. It was noted by the



Select target paragraph3