However, the panel considered that these clauses were not well-defined and
could therefore be misinterpreted and abusively applied by state authorities.
While the law seems to guarantee freedom of expression, it simultaneously
introduces controls that restrict the enjoyment of this freedom.
The Digital Code criminalises several offences related to the exercise of freedom
of expression, which could affect citizens’ ability to express themselves freely.
Articles 547 to 560 punish a wide range of offences related to ‘abusive content
and online press offenses’ with imprisonment and fines.
Article 558 states:
A person who commits a press offense, including defamation, public
insult, apologia of crime, through a public electronic communication
means, shall be punished with the same penalties as those provided
for by law no. 2015-07 of March 20, 2015 on the Information and
Communication Code, whatever the medium used.
Panel members agreed that certain restrictions on freedom of expression
could serve a legitimate purpose. Panellists stated that all countries have such
restrictions, but noted that those in Benin were excessive. A member of the
panel posited that at least two-thirds of the legal provisions on information and
communication were restrictive in nature.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:






1.7 (2007 = 1.4; 2009 = 1.5; 2011 = 2.5; 2014 = 3.4)

1.4 The government makes every effort to honour
regional and international instruments on freedom
of expression and freedom of the media
Benin has ratified all international and regional instruments, including those
relating to freedom of expression. These instruments become part of the national
laws once they are duly ratified, in accordance with the constitution. In case
there is a conflict with national laws, the ratified international instruments take


Article 147 – Constitution of the Republic of Benin.


Select target paragraph3