4.5 Journalists and media houses have integrity and
are not corrupt
Corruption does exist in the media, but the scale of this corruption is not clear
and as one panellist put it: ‘I would like to think that for the most part, the media
have a high level of credibility. I would hope that there are a lot of checks and
balances and that when we open a paper, the content is not skewed by corrupt
Panellists noted that the corruption that does take place takes on many forms.
There may be corruption in terms of financial benefits, but there are also other
benefits, such as being seen in certain circles of power. One panellist noted an
example whereby a certain newspaper refused to publish a story about a maid
working at the Spanish embassy, seemingly to keep favour within diplomatic
A panellist also noted that in radio, there have been several cases of sex and
other favours for interviews. ‘It’s normal in this country.’
The above notwithstanding, it is promising to note that the office of the media
ombudsman has not received any complaints about journalists asking for money
or favours.
Panellists noted that corruption does not only take place at the level of the
journalists and reporters, but also at the management and ownership level.
As one remarked: ‘If media houses are owned by “tenderpreneurs” [business
people or entrepreneurs specialising in government tendered projects], how can
they not be corrupt?’
Most media houses require that journalists declare freebies provided to them. It
is common that various organisations will provide journalists with transportation
and sometimes with accommodation when outside their place of residence to
attend their events. It was noted with concern that this practice could skew the
angle of reporting.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:










2005: n/a; 2007: n/a; 2009: 3.6; 2011: 2.6; 2015: 2.9


Select target paragraph3