specific to the broadcast sector. Additionally, advertising agencies are not covered
by this code, despite some complaints about certain advertisements and billboards.
Importantly, the EFN Code of Conduct has a provision that if a complaint is
lodged, the person or entity lodging that complaint foregoes their right to
institute civil action. The code does make provision, however, that you can
appeal the decision of the media ombudsman to the Media Appeals Committee
and after all options have been exhausted, the matter can then be taken further
for review by a court of law.
The Namibia Community Broadcasters Network has received the assistance of
UNESCO in drawing up a code of conduct for all its members and training on
issues of ethics is being integrated in its training offerings.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:










2005: 2.3; 2007: 2.0; 2009: 1.9; 2011: 3.4; 2015: 3.5

4.3 Salary levels and general working conditions,
including safety, for journalists and other media
practitioners are adequate
In general, salary levels for journalists and media practitioners are low, but this
also varies from one media house to the next. ‘Salary scales are also dependent
on the length of time for which the media house has been in operation, as the
early stages of business are not always easy.’
In some media houses, entry-level journalists who start as freelancers may be
paid as little as 1,500 to 3,000 NAD (105 to 215 USD).
At NMH, a junior reporter’s cost to company could start at 6,000 NAD (420 USD).
Journalists with some years’ experience can expect to earn around 15,000 NAD
(1,060 USD). Senior journalists may earn in the range of 20,000 NAD (1,425
USD) and editors earn upwards of 20,000 NAD (1,425 USD).
Comparatively, entry-level teachers in Namibia start at 15,000 NAD (1,060 USD).
At the state-owned NBC, an entry-level reporter or freelancer will start at around
10,000 NAD (710 USD) and the cost to company of an assistant producer will



Select target paragraph3