Panellists were not aware of any incidences where journalists were forced to
disclose the name of a confidential source. This is despite the many instances in
the media where reports note that a ‘person spoke on condition of anonymity’.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:






2005: 2.1; 2007: 1.8; 2009: 3.3, 2011: 2.5; 2015: 1.7

1.7 Public information is easily accessible, guaranteed
by law, to all citizens
Namibia does not have an Access to Information Act, although a bill has been
drafted by civil society and discussed with MICT; there are no local laws that
guarantee access to public information by citizens.
Article 9 of the ACHPR (which Namibia has ratified) states that:
Public bodies hold information not for themselves but as custodians of
the public good and everyone has a right to access this information,
subject only to clearly defined rules established by law.
In practise, however, panellists agreed that the Namibian government has some
way to go in making public information more available to its citizens.
As one panellist put it: ‘In Namibia, although we’ve signed up to agreements
that expressly guarantee access to information, the fact that Namibian legislation
doesn’t provide for this makes it difficult. It’s as if it’s a privilege to access that
‘Going to a ministry and asking for information can present blocks. They hide
behind a veil of secrecy and say that they need to have approval first (before
providing the requested information).’
Accessing information is especially difficult for citizens based in rural areas,
unless this information is made available on the radio. A panellist also noted that
for the blind, information published in print media is difficult to access, as no
print publishers make information available in braille.



Select target paragraph3