and media freedom instead of censorship and
criminal sanctions.144

and should involve different stakeholders; and
include both legal and non-legal means.

Governments and other relevant stakeholders should purposefully and vigilantly provide
easily accessible information on COVID-19, including mode of infection, symptoms and preventive measures, the government’s crisis
management measures and safety measures
for victims of abuse. Information should be
provided or disseminated without discrimination in all national languages and accessible in
various platforms and in formats that are accessible to persons with disabilities.

As governments across the SADC region respond
to COVID-19, some freedoms that would be
ordinarily enjoyed such as freedom of movement
are being restricted. The emergency response
measures are necessary to curb the spread of
the virus, but should be implemented within
the confines of international human rights law
and standards. Any restrictions that infringe on
freedom of expression should meet the test of
legality, proportionality, necessity as stipulated
in the norms and standards that the research
alluded to.

Information on the transmission, treatment and
prevention of COVID-19 should be aligned with
the advice and guidelines by the WHO, health
experts and authorities should be promoted and
strictly followed.145This is to ensure credibility
of information and potentially control the information disorder that has proliferated in this
crisis. It is also important to promote a transparent information ecosystem and denounce the
culture of secrecy and withholding information
that is in the public interest. Those entrusted
with the responsibility to enforce the crisis management measures (the national security and
law enforcement sector) should provide regular
and credible information through press conferences and other possible means such as setting
up information centres.

Transparency and accountability mechanisms
should be enhanced through laws and
relevant institutions such as the human
rights commissions, ombudsmen, and public
protector offices among others. It is also
important to note that any restrictions that
have been introduced during the crisis period
should be constantly reviewed and should not
be carried over to the post- pandemic period.
Throughout the pandemic, the governments
and other stakeholders should ensure that the
public receives timely and adequate credible
information that would empower them to
respond to the pandemic from an informed

Civil society organisations, particularly media
lobby organisations should play a key role in
advocating for and safeguarding of freedom
of expression and promote access to information during this time of the pandemic. Initiatives being undertaken to counter the scourge
of disinformation should respect human rights
especially freedom of expression. In tackling
this scourge, a sustained approach is required

Excessive control on free flow of information
such as censorship, restrictions on movement
of journalists and their access to information
and surveillance are an interference with
democratic values that should not be sustained
even during a crisis. It is therefore crucial that
criminalisation should not take precedence,
but more emphasis should be placed on media

144 As above.
145 As above.


Select target paragraph3