Media and information literacy
Navigating the infodemic is complex when one
does not have the requisite skills.135Media and
information literacy is an essential skill when
faced with the infodemic of this magnitude
that has been witnessed during the COVID-19
pandemic. Media and information literacy
activates one’s critical thinking skills and sets
one in a position to meaningfully engage with
the information that they receive including
verifying suspicious news and to detect false
information.136Due to increased use of digital
technologies and internet connectivity,
information that may cause unnecessary
confusion and panic can be easily disseminated
on social media very fast from an individual to
various parts of the world. As a result, there is
need to use social media responsibly to share or
disseminate reliable information that creates
awareness on the pandemic and eliminates
unnecessary confusion or panic. Media literacy
is important in that it equips a person with sills
that enables them to be sceptical and scrutinise
the information that they receive before sharing

reporting on the excesses of those entrusted with
enforcing the government directives (security
and law enforcement agencies); and facilitating
debate on issues relevant to COVID-19
SADC member states should adopt measures
in line with article 9 of the Africa Charter and
the Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information in Africa.
Alignment with these standards creates and
sustains a favourable environment for the enjoyment of the right of access to information and
freedom of expression. An environment where
independent and professional media should
be promoted in crisis circumstances. This can
be enabled through, for example, transforming government-controlled broadcasters into
public service broadcasters that are accountable
to the public through the legislature or other
mechanism for public accountability.138A public
service media can serve as a reliable source of
information at a time when false news is proliferating at an alarming rate.
The media must adhere to highest professional and ethical standards on COVID-19 without
bias.139 The media must disseminate factual,
accurate and comprehensive information to the
public timeously, while taking into account the
needs of different groups in society. Credible
and verified authoritative information should
be given prominence. In this time of crisis, professional journalism is important for reliable information dissemination on the pandemic and

Freedom of expression and freedom of the media
should always be prioritised. The media has a
role in information dissemination, demanding
transparency; holding the government accountable; scrutinize various government interventions and responses to the COVID-19 and identify
gaps in government responses to COVID-19,

135 Media and Information Literacy (accessed 22 June 2020).
136 Media and Information Literacy (accessed 22 June 2020).
137 C Bernardo n 69 above.
138 Declaration, principle 11.
139 ‘Coronavirus: ARTICLE 19 briefing on tackling misinformation’ 6 March 2020 (accessed 10 June 2020).


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