Journalists and media houses have integrity
and are not corrupt.
It is not clear how widespread corruption is amongst journalists in Ghana but it
can take several forms: receiving money to write stories in a certain way, accepting
other favours, or being blackmailed to refrain from publishing certain stories.
These practices are not as common any more as they used to be, although there are
still journalists around who are “forced to mortgage their integrity
by poverty”.

“looking at
society in
Ghana as
a whole,
journalists arer
not too bad”

Transportation allowances for media practitioners to travel to press
conferences, for example, are considered legitimate, although some
media houses now have a policy that does not aollow their journalists
to accept such support. Civil society organisations, however, are
complaining that they are compelled to pay journalists for staying in
“plush hotels” if they want to have their events covered.

Cultural practices sometimes make it difficult for journalists to
maintain their integrity, i.e. their “ability to meet the standards
expected of journalists and to resist any form of influence that will
take journalists from these standards”. On the occasion of Christmas
or a bereavement in the familiy it is a tradition for donations to be given which are
culturally problematic to reject. Where such a gift is excessive (“a heavy envelope”)
this certainly does constitute corruption and it will need courage to tell the donor
that although one accepts the donation one will not be influenced by it in any way.
Other forms of corruption are politically motivated (“habitually reporting in
a certain way”) or due to ethnic considerations - when a journalist exercises
inappropriate caution if a story goes against his/her own tribe.
Generally there was consensus amongst panelists that “looking at society in
Ghana as a whole, journalists are not too bad”.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:



2.9 (2008 n/a; 2006: n/a)

Select target paragraph3