
Training facilities offer formal qualification programmes for journalists as
well as opportunities to upgrade their skills.

There is no school of journalism in Cape Verde. On the other hand, all
indications suggest that the government does not have a policy or strategy for
the training of journalists. Many of the professionals in journalism have received
training in other areas than in journalism, and it would be important if they were
to receive some specific training in journalism. The few cooperation
programmes that government has had in the past with other countries for the
training of journalists no longer exist. Either by commission or omission, the
media has been excluded from the cooperation programmes that Cape Verde
has with its development partners. However, there are media courses at several
universities in the country, albeit with very modest quality to achieve any
significant success in the development of high quality journalism in Cape Verde.
Individual scores:

3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 1, 2

Average score:



Journalists and other media practitioners are organized in trade unions
and/or professional associations.

Yes. There is the Cape Verde Association of Journalists (AJOC) to which most
journalists in Cape Verde belong. However, its presence has not been strongly
felt. That may possibly be attributed to the fact that members themselves have
not taken initiatives that would include the need for regular meetings to debate
the state of media freedom in the country. Some see this lack of activity as the
result of the climate of democracy and tranquillity that prevail in Cape Verde,
where in the absence of systematic persecution of the media, journalists do not
feel the need to organise.
Individual scores:

4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5

Average score:





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