SECTOR 1 1.9 The state does not seek to block or filter Internet content unless in accordance with laws that provide for restrictions that serve a legitimate interest and are necessary in a democratic society, and which are applied by independent courts. There is no law that blocks or filters internet content. “I am not sure whether the government is responsible, but for the past year I have not been able to access the Investigative Reporters site, which is based in the US. But when I go to South Africa I can log onto the site. It means someone has the capacity to prevent access.” The new Cybercrime Act deals with issues of evidence, so now things that are posted on social media can be used as evidence in court. The Act does not impact on accessing of information. The Act deals more specifically with cybercrime rather than regulation of the internet. Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator 3 Country meets some aspects of indicator 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator Average score: 22 AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER Botswana 2014 4.1 (2005 = n/a; 2007 = n/a; 2009 = 1.0; 2011 = 3.1)