3.7 The state/public broadcaster is adequately funded
in a manner that protects it from arbitrary interference
through its budget and from all commercial pressure.
Every year a budget for the RTNC is drawn up and voted on. It is complemented by
additional revenue from advertising and also products coming from other services
such as the RTNC hotel10. This budget comprises of three sections: salaries paid
by the State, an investment and an operating budget. As a result of the RTNC’s
method of financing, the budget, due to a sluggish state administration, is not
always available when requested. Added to this, comes the fact that salaries are
paid by the State, which gives it leverage to interfere in the way, it is run. This is
one of the reasons why the RTNC is not yet in a position to operate like a public
media service provider.
Ironically, RTNC operates satellite TV, which means that there are financial
resources that allow it to maintain this presence. As a result the question is less
one of financing but political will to turn it into a genuine public service provider.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:


3.8 The state/public broadcaster is technically accessible in the entire country.
In theory, the satellite bouquet’s coverage of the territory is ensured. In many
areas, such as in Bukavu, in Katana (50km from Bukavu) or in Zongo, in Equator
Province, however, RTNC is inaccessible.

10 The hôtel de presse INVEST is owned by the RTNC but its financial management is in the hands of a private entity,
disbursing royalties to the RTNC every month. Invest is situated in the same precinct as RTNC, in the municipality of
Lingwala in Kinshasa.


AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER Democratic Republic of Congo

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