Declaration of Table Mountain

he World Association of Newspapers and
the World Editors Forum, meeting at the 60th
World Newspaper Congress and 14th World
Editors Forum Conference in Cape Town, South
Africa, from 3 to 6 June 2007,
Note that in country after country, the African
press is crippled by a panoply of repressive
measures, from the jailing and persecution of
journalists to the widespread scourge of ‘insult
laws’ and criminal defamation which are used,
ruthlessly, by governments to prevent critical appraisal of their performance and to deprive the
public from information about their misdemeanours,
State their conviction that Africa urgently needs
a strong, free and independent press to act as a
watchdog over public institutions,
Consider that press freedom remains a key to the
establishment of good governance and durable
economic, political, social and cultural development, prosperity and peace in Africa, and to
the fight against corruption, famine, poverty,
violent conflict, disease, and lack of education,
Reaffirm our responsibility as the global representative organisations of the owners, publishers and editors of the world’s press to conduct
“aggressive and persistent campaigning against
press freedom violations and restrictions”,
Reaffirm our commitment to freedom of the
press as a basic human right as well as an indispensable constituent of democracy in every
country, including those in Africa,
Note that Article 19 of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights guarantees freedom of expression as a fundamental right, and emphasise that
freedom of expression is essential to the realization of other rights set forth in international human rights instruments,

Recall that those principles have been restated and endorsed in the 2002 Declaration on
Principles of Freedom of Expression in Africa,
adopted by the African Commission on Human
and Peoples’ Rights and the African Union, thus
requiring member states of the African Union to
uphold and maintain press freedom,
Recall also the 1991 Windhoek Declaration on
Promoting an Independent and Pluralistic African
Observe that despite numerous opportunities for
a free press to emerge from national independence, fully-fledged press freedom still does not
exist in many African countries and that murder,
imprisonment, torture, banning, censorship and
legislative edict are the norm in many countries,
Recognise that these crude forms of repression are bolstered by the deliberate exclusion
of certain newspapers from state-advertising
placement, the burden of high import taxes on
equipment and newsprint and unfair competition from state-owned media,
Note that despite the adoption of press freedom
protocols and the repression of that freedom on
a wide scale in Africa, the African Union in instituting its African Peer Review Mechanism under
the NEPAD (New Partnership for Africa’s Development) programme has excluded the fostering
of a free and independent press as a key requirement in the assessment of good governance in
the countries of the continent, and
Identify as the greatest scourge of press freedom
on the continent the continued implementation
of “insult laws,” which outlaw criticism of politicians and those in authority, and criminal defamation legislation, both of which are used indiscriminately in the vast majority of African states
that maintain them and which have as their
prime motive the ``locking up of information’’,

So This is Democracy? 2015


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