Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ) as a means of ensuring fair distribution of the taxes collected from the public. In this scenario, the taxes would be managed through the broadcasting fund for the benefit of all broadcasters, including community radio stations. One participant suggested that 30% of the licence fees collected be allocated for content producers, with distribution managed by the National Arts Council (NAC) to promote the production of local content. Some participants proposed that ZBC encrypt its airwaves to prevent the consumption of its content by those who do not want to. Clause 6 – Amendments to Section 8 allowing foreign ownership of broadcasting licence Most participants supported the 40% investment threshold for foreign investors in the Broadcasting sector. Only two participants objected to this proposal in Mutare, arguing that the sector would be taken over by media owners hostile to the country’s interests. Clause 4 – Amendments to Section 4 on the appointment of Board members: Need for Independent regulator Participants overwhelmingly proposed that the minister be stripped of absolute powers to appoint board members of entities such as BAZ and exercise these powers in consultation with Parliament. On the independence of BAZ, participants proposed that the Bill adopt sections of the African Charter on Broadcasting that prescribe how regulatory authorities can guarantee their independence. 7