The media practice high levels of
professional standards.
4.1 The media follow voluntary codes of professional
standards, which are enforced by self-regulatory
bodies that deal with complaints from the public.

A self-regulatory Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ) was officially
launched in June 2007 by the Media Alliance of Zimbabwe, a grouping that
comprises the Media Institute of Southern Africa – Zimbabwe, the Media
Monitoring Project of Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists and
the Zimbabwe National Editors Forum (whose members are editors of private
media). It started operating in February 2009 after having secured sufficient
funding. The board of the council comprises 14 members, seven public and seven
media representatives. One of the 14 positions has been left vacant to allow for the
editors of state-controlled publications to come on board.
Private and community media subscribe to the
VMCZ’s code of ethics but do not fully enforce the
“If you read these papers
standards set. Journalists and editors were slightly
you want to throw up”
defensive at the start but soon came to realise that
professionalism in the media has deteriorated and
journalists do need to be refreshed on the merits
of adhering to professional standards. Therefore the council is currently in an
‘educational phase’, conducting training courses in newsrooms.
Private print media carry small boxes informing readers that they subscribe to the
code and that complaints can be lodged with the VMCZ. In addition, the council
is running campaigns to make the public aware of its existence.
As a consequence the number of complaints received has increased from seven in
2009 to 12 in the first quarter of 2010, mainly from political parties, companies,
gender groups and relatives of politicians.
Complaints may be settled amicably without arbitration (this is the case in
most instances). If the matter cannot be so resolved it is handed over to a Media
Complaints Committee which has the right to order the medium in question to
publish a correction.
As the state media are not part of the structure, the VMCZ cannot officially
adjudicate in cases involving these media houses. Nevertheless the VMCZ has



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