1.11 Civil society in general and media lobby groups
actively advance the cause of media freedom.

Groups of media practitioners and activists have generally been making efforts to
advance the cause of media freedom, among them the Media Institute of Southern
Africa – Zimbabwe Chapter (MISA), the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ),
the Zimbabwe Independent Editors Forum (ZINEF), the Media Monitoring
Project of Zimbabwe (MMPZ), the Zimbabwe National Editors Forum (ZiNEF),
the Zimbabwe Association of Community Radio Stations (ZACRAS), the
Community Newspapers Association of Zimbabwe (CANAZ) and the Voluntary
Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ).
MISA, ZUJ and the MMPZ have formed the Media Alliance of Zimbabwe
(MAZ) with associate members from some of the organisations listed above and
they are working as a united front in the struggle for media freedom and freedom
of expression.
All these organisations have outreach programmes and organisations such as
MISA and MMPZ have decentralised with advocacy committees all over the
MAZ is working on media law reform and has been active in developing
alternative pieces of legislation in consultation with stakeholders. These model
bills were drafted and submitted to the relevant Minister and to Parliament
through Parliamentary Portfolio Committees.
Radio Dialogue and other community radio initiatives are using legitimate means
of giving people a real taste of media diversity and thus getting them involved:
They bring members of the community together, record their discussions and



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