equitable development, if you cannot
enfranchise poor people, if they do not
have a right to expression, if there is
no searchlight on corruption and inequitable practices, you cannot build the
public consensus needed to bring about
- James D. Wolfensohn, former President of the World Bank
2013 also marks the launch of the Pan
African Parliament’s press freedom campaign under the proposed theme: “Press
Freedom for Development and Governance:
Need for Reform”.
We welcome this important initiative
and applaud our legislators for their insight
into the link between press freedom and development. Indeed media can have a positive influence on poverty reduction and a
country’s economic growth.
Media freedom is strongly correlated
with overall development processes and
positively enables the communication of
development information. A free media
contributes to the establishment of an environment in which development objectives
can be successfully achieved. At the same
time, free and independent media can only
properly function in an enabling environment, characterised by the manifestation of
rights to freedom of expression and access
to information.

This 19th edition of So This Is Democracy?
documents numerous media freedom and
freedom of expression violations that MISA
recorded in southern Africa during the
course of 2012. In this report, we attempt
to analyse numerous incidents that have
impacted on media freedom and the free

expression landscape in the region. We also
attempt to shed light on emerging issues
that require deeper interrogation.
Enjoy the read!

Zoe Titus
Regional Director

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