Advocacy and Public Awareness: That there be deliberate effort from all internet
stakeholders to increase public awareness on Internet Governance processes
in the country; particularly so in rural populations, and other economically
marginalised demographics.
Access and Affordability: That access to the internet should go beyond access
to social media applications at zero rated or subsidised rates, to the realization
of its utilitarian for all citizens regardless of gender, race and class through a fair,
transparent pricing policy that allows innovation and competition.
Cybersecurity: That there be a democratic cyber security framework that strikes
a healthy balance between the promotion and protection of individuals users
fundamental rights to freedom expression and privacy and national and regional
Decriminalization of Fundamental Rights Online: That the country’s internet
regulation and policies be centred on the African Declaration of Internet Rights
and other regional and globally accepted human rights principles which promote
human socio-economic and political development at all fronts.
Promotion and Development of Local Content: That the internet be recognized
as an important tool for the facilitation of dialogue between citizens and
government that should be promoted for sustainability in pursuit of accountable
democracy, national development and preservation of Zimbabwe’s values and
diverse culture.
Regional and International Solidarity: That Zimbabweans continue to
interact and learn from regional and international best practice for key trends,
developments and regulatory frameworks around internet governance.


Misa Zimbabwe Second Internet Governance Multi
Stakeholder Conference 21 September 2017

Select target paragraph3