SECTOR 3 3.7 The state/public broadcaster is adequately funded in a manner that protects it from arbitrary interference through its budget and from commercial pressure. Analysis: “There is no transparency around the funding of the state broadcaster.” The majority of funding for the state broadcaster comes directly from government through taxpayers’ contributions. The remainder comes from advertising. The government, however, does not reveal figures related to the funding of its television and radio stations, and annual reports are not made public. Because the majority of the state broadcaster’s funds come from government, it can cut or increase funding at its discretion. There is no protection from arbitrary interference. “There is no transparency around the funding of the state broadcaster. Whatever the funding may be, however, it does not serve the public interest but only that of the government.” There are instances of interference from commercial pressure on BTV, for example, where programming is fully paid-for by advertisers or sponsors, but it is not presented to the public as advertorial. Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country minimally meets aspects of the indicator. 3 Country meets many aspects of indicator but progress may be too recent to judge. 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator. 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator and has been doing so over time. Average score: 48 AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER BOTSWANA 2009 1.1 (2005 = n/a; 2007 = n/a)