MAURITIUS There has been no concerted effort by civil society, however, for such an act indeed to become reality. SCORES: Individual scores: 2,3,2,2,2,1,3,1,2,1 Average score : 1.9 1.7 Civil society in general and media lobby groups actively advance the cause of media freedom. ANALYSIS: There are presently two organisations of journalists, both of them not very effective. They are the Association des Journalistes Mauriciens (AJM) and the Association des Gens de Presse (AGP). The AJM has not been working properly for a number of months now, suffering from internal problems between individuals. Both associations have not been seen to be pro-active. SCORES: Individual scores: 1,2,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,2 Average score: 1.4 Overall score for sector 1: 2.7 African Media Barometer - Mauritius 2008 9