3.10		 The public broadcaster offers diverse programming for all 		
MBC has five radio channels:
Cool FM broadcasts European and local music and is described as
“one of the best music stations in Mauritius”. It carries news in
French, Creole and English.
Taal FM offers oriental music and entertainment; the station’s news
are in Hindi and Mandarin.
World Hit radio serves every taste from European to oriental music.
It broadcasts news in French, Hindi, Creole and English and carries
foreign news from Radio France International. The service is regarded as an “elite programme”.
The two AM stations are Radio Maurice, which broadcasts French and
Creole programmes, and Radio Mauritius with an oriental flavour.
All stations offer talk shows, but the topics tackled are less controversial than those on private radio stations.
More than 80 % of the population have to rely on the MBC for television services. Its three television channels cater for 13 languages,
with news being broadcast in French, English, Creole and Hindi.
The second channel carries mainly live or recorded broadcasts of
social events such as religious ceremonies or cultural festivals. The
programme content is coordinated at a meeting of cultural organisations with MBC’s management to make sure that everyone is accommodated.
The other channels offer good entertainment but no talk shows.
African Media Barometer - Mauritius 2008			


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